One product, two sheets, three scales, four patterns.
Introducing WGSF-48C "Fine Veneer Plywood"

Sidenote: The picture above is quite funky actually. James has put his 1/32 Meng Me-163 on a 1/48 Airfield Tarmac. The Airfield Tarmac he used is Uschi´s 3018 Da Nang Airforce Base. Looks pretty cool together with that 1/32 aircraft, dosn´t it? The kit is availabe as a bundle, coming together with the Plywood Decals, in Uschi´s SHOP smart section here in this website.
The WGSF48-C "Fine Veneer Plywood Decal" includes the latest state of knowledge after countless hours of research and testing within the last two years.
The product is optimized in terms of natural appearance, interesting variation, and user friendly application. Wood grain as such does not really have a reference in terms of being in scale. There are limitations of course, but this product works in the 1/72nd,1/48th as well as 1/32nd scale .
The things we had in the past were really good, but this one here is actually "Uschi´s finest", seen from he perspective of an aircraft modeler.
It includes not less than four (4!) types of woodgrain, based on woods used by the aircraft industry in the early and mid 20th century. Birch and Ice Birch woodgrain textures have a very unique apperance. This product takes that fact into full account.
Lets have a look at the details:
To the left you see the Ice Birch pattern. This pattern is the "main pattern" of the product. You already have a lot of variation. with this pattern alone. You can select the area you like the most and use different sections of it, in order to have a great result. Nevertheless we considered a bit more variation as a good asset. So, on the right hand side you see three more patterns of Birch wood. These come fine-lined and "vivid" (top), a little bit more "quiet" (center) and a little bit more dark and rich (bottom).
Mix all these on your project and you really take accout for the fact that we represent a natural material, which is always slightly different in appearance.
The decals are printed on a super thin and slightly elatistic carrier film. Especially the elastic properties come in very handy when it comes to perfect fit to the panel. One can push sections of the decal a little bit to the edges of the panel, in case we have a small trimming error. This works at best during the first third of the drying time.
The application is as simple as ever. You control the final appearance by the colors you use for the basecoat. The best colors for a basecoat are Tamiya "Flesh" and Gunze "Radome" acrylics. You may tone it the way you want by adding some "Sail Color" or "Deck Tan" as well as "White" or "Off White".
Personly I recommend to start with the darkest color of all and bright up the centers of the panel concerned, using super thin mists applyed with an airbrush. This creates the illusion of some kind of pre-shading and is very helpful on achieving convincing results.
Please check the manual of WGSF-48 "Ronny Bar" for a step-by-step guide on how to work with this sort of decals.
You may enlarge it (left-click), then right-click on it, save it to your local hard drive and print it. It includes some interesting information and tricks for safe operation.
Thank you very much! Enjoy! :-)
The WGSF-series woodgrain decals are now available including a new option: Nail Decals. While shopping you may choose between a "nailed" and "not nailed" version. The nails are printed separately on the super thin carrier film in not less than 17 lines with various distances and diameters. The nail decal may be applied directly on the bascecoat, prior to application of the woodgrain decal and be sealed with clear. After this coat of clear, the outlines of the nail decal are only veeeery barely visible and will disappear completely once the wood grain decal has been applied. So, you have the choice. I gonna showcase this new property very shortly and let you know.