
Releasing products which enable my customers to master challenges in scale modeling, this is what my job is all about. Uschi´s products are based on my own experience as an
award winning scale modeller and speaker. I never will release a product that doesn´t meet the requirements mentioned above.
Alexander Glass

Wood Grain Decals, camo stencils, burnishing agents, airfield tarmacs....So much has been done and there is so much more to come. Allow me to have a few words about how all of this has begun.
The aircraft model you see below is Wingnut Wings´s 1/32nd scale LVG C VI. I built it in 2010 within a period of around 3 months. It has won serveral gold medals, best of class and audience awards. It was pretty much successful.
People often asked how the wood has been done. In the case of this LVG, the grain texture was painted by hand with a pin brush. During the conversations with fellow modelers, I realized that apperantly it is not easy for everyone to paint a wood grain by hand. It is, however, the key detail for a convincing reproduction of wood.
The uprise of interest in WWI modeling, enhanced by new kit vendors, represented the necessary market situation to take on again on one long forgotten topic: Woodgrain Decals.
Research and practical activity with wood as a scale modelling subject, led to the competence which is neccessary to release a well through thought product at top notch quality.
Our customers consider our wood grain decals being best on the market. This is not our assessment, this is a repeated feedback, brought to us by our customers. And frankly, if you compare our textures to the real thing you will find quickly find out why they say that.
Having our woodgrain decals available for everyone means that we now have the possibility for everyone to reach a FASTER AND BETTER result as I ever was able to paint by my own.
Let´s have a look on a few images of that one project that led to the existence of Uschi van der Rosten as a brand:
Not aircrafts only
AFV modelers apperantly have more and more interest in complex camouflage patterns these days. Some camouflages are often to see on a real thing, but hard to execute as a part of a scale model project. Following the maxim of "solving problems", we have decided to develop activities in these fields too. We teamed up with the master of the dark science of paint masks, namely with Mr. Malcolm "The Wizzard of Cornwall" Mayfield of Miracle Masks fame. This co-operation led to the existence of a variety of paint masks for AFV. These products also have been published as a co-branded product under the label of AK-interactive. With the collapse of AK this co-operation unfortunately came to a hold, but...who knows..."You always meet twice" as we say here in Germany.
Here comes a nice example of what we did in the form of Angus Creighton´s Jagdpanzer IV/L 70:
Last but not least we also have the wonderful world of civil subjects. Many of our products are designed to assist the scale modeller working on that category of scale modeling. The Planking Decals for instance, can be used on a truck bed. We even have dashboard wood decals for truckers and car model builders. A while ago I did the chassis of a woodie as part of a test bed. Was fun! :
During the process, many other ideas came up and we will release a range of nice and usefull products, helping you to gain fast and professional results when it comes to aircrafts, ships or vehicles. Furthermore you´ll find pretty sweet stuff when it comes to present your finished model. Many of those already have been released as part of the Scenic Display Products or instance:
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Thanks for visting! Enjoy our webiste and check the tutorial videos. Some are quite funny and brightening at the same time. :-) Again, thats what the others said...:-)
Sincerely yours