Thanks for your interest! :-)
I build everything that attracts me in a way. So here is everything mixed, including a few test bits. There isnt everything included I´ve built in the past few years. Some of it I dont find to be cool anymore and some were lost due to a computer crash. However, I hope you like what you see.
The images below are showing various projects on various stages.
Takom 1/72 Akagi

More progress on Hansa
Slow...... I know.... but is how it is....

I have been posting this on FB and some ppl were like "OMG. You can fix this like this and like that." What if I tell you that this is a decal, being put there intentionally? More to this soon.
It´s goinna be part of a SFX decal set.
Trusty Trinity Stencils performing on the base coat, doing their thing and shine through.
Trinity in action. Works as intended
Modifying a Takom kit
The boxart of the Takom V1 captured my attention. It´s showing a cutaway-option. Little did I know of what is actually contained in the kit. It´s merely some basic interior and some clear plastic. Very useful though. I dont know what the thought-process was about. I mean, yeah... you can address interior by simply molding some of the parts in clear. But... I dont know...I just dont like it when a boxart is too far off from the scope of delivery. Anywayz.... to work I went...
Wholelotta trimmin´and a wholelotta sanding, followed by a wholelotta cussin´and a wholelotta fixin. But I must say..... the plastic is brilliant for something like this. It´s flexible but stable. Pretty cool for OPSEC on a build like this. Would not want to try this with a Bronco kit.

More to come soon.
1/35 HobbyBoss "MOLCH" German mini submarine
Oops! I did it again! If you scroll down you´ll see another German midget submarine being painted in a similar style. A lot of fun that is. Basicially you go like base coat in Grey, then apply the reflections with White and Free Hand, and then you use Grey again and blend everything into each other. For more definition I also enhanced with White oil paint here and there. There is a lot of triggers you can mess with. If something goes a bit wrong, it´s easy to fix. Fun kit.

I premanently try to maintain and improve the quality of Uschi´s products. One key element for developing the expertise required is to work with it. Thats what I do here on Revell´s Ho-229.
Revell 1/72 Ho-229
1/32 Wingnut Wings Roland D.Va
Ouh boy. I had so much fun on this one. I´m a "lazy modeler" which means that I discovered a rule which fits my habits: " The better the kit, the better the result." Wingnut Wings is just my cup of tea...
Wingnut Wings LVG....
.... is kinda right down that alley too. Wood grain has been painted by hand at that point.
1/48 Accurate Miniatures Grumman F3F-2
What a lil bitch.... This kit really challenged my patience and it was just due to my passion for "Yellow Wing Subjects" that I finished this...actually nice little bird. Had some 6+ month of a break on this one. Can someone please release it according to today´s molding- and fit-standards?
Oh well...I extended my knowledge on NMF finishes (Natural Metal Finish) at least. Again a great learning curve. Got the F3F-1 and the "Gulfhawk"- version, both by AccMin in my stash as well. We´ll see....
1/72 Special Hobby Type XXIII
Planned as a side project...ended up in a fight. I´m not happy with the engineering of the kit, compared to the spicy price. Well...I tried my best tackling that thing. Did I prevail? You decide....
1/48 Tamiya He-162
Pure fun! Excellently egineered, well through thought, shake&bake. Tamiya at its best. I paid some 25€ for it and had Seriously. A great kit that drew my deep into the history of the Luftwaffe at the dusk of WWII. Anytime again.
I decided to buy the 32nd scale kit by Revell and do a different finish one fine day. If Revell delivers 50% of the quality of Tamiya, I´m fine.
Still im progress. WNW´s Early Hansa

Art of Modeling (GER, F, BE/NE/LUX)
Just found a video. :-) Nice :-)