DPC-35 Disc pattern camouflage masking stencil, Panther G and others, Mid-End 1944

Fellow modelers,
after month of tests and evaluating existing products, Uschi came to the conclusion that a paint mask made of flexible masking material is the best way for replicating disc camo
Why does she say that?
- A stencil will be the only way to allow you the full use of your precious skills in painting without any compromise.
- Masks stick to the model, making it easy to replicate hard-edge contours. In case you like soft-edge spots, just lif the mask a tiny bit. Full control is the key.
- The colour coats are equal and homogenous, because there is only one media: Colour. Filters and oil colours, applied over pattern, will respond the way you re used to know.
- The colour will match to you references because you decide which colour it will be. There is no preadjustment as we have with decals for example.
- The re-usability plus the sheer amount of stencil material included in the package and the much more affordable pricing is another reason to opt for stencils.
This product is a masking stencil and made for application of complex camo schemes via airbrush.
Compared to products based on dry transfer technology, DCP-35 allows you to keep you freedom regarding your choice of colours. With DCP-35 one can tone and filter all the colours evenly and you do not need to consider various properties of various materials. Colour coats applied with DPC-35 will have the same features as those you are used to, allowing you to set efffects via hairspray or salt masking.
The stencils are very flexible and allow you an easy approach to areas with complex details. Please consider engine compartment decks covered with grills and vents for instance.
The prouct allows you to paint your model in all styles, from artisan to realistic. Its up to you.
Carefully processed, the stencils allow multiple use for an affordable price.
Its just the best solution for disk pattern cammo because you are free and closer to the original way in applying the colours.
The product in use

And here is how it works
Part I
Paint your model the way you want and give it a basecoat following your personal preference, style and taste.
Part II
Prepare your basecoat the way you want it. Mid-war, late-war, after-war...who cares. Everything is possible.
Now its time to bring the stencil to the model.
Part III
Give it a go with the color of you choice. Acrylics recommended.