A classic for everything WWII and/or even post war. (As you can see in the reference pictures) So that´s the crib for your 109 or 190 or 262 as well as for Western cold war designs up until the 80´s. Please consider to use 3d grass effects on the edges and photo etched drainage grills.
1x A4 high definition print.
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- shipping within 1 - 3 Working Days1
3x A4 high definition print.
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- shipping within 1 - 3 Working Days1
RASENSTEINE, BABY! In 72nd and 48th
I have no idea nobody did that until now. I have it in my archives for a while already. Maybe because of the texture? Maybe. Ouh... talking texture: Right off the bat, you´ve got yourself a nice display base for photos. However, it´s printed on paper, so it needs some treatment. Number one it needs a dull coat of clear varnish to get rid of the gloss.
In case you feel adventurous, and I bet you do.... take some metal tubing/rod and get yourself a handle on it. Now press them lill circles hard and get some 3d texture into the print. You dont have to do that everywhere. Just on some selected areas... different pressures.... to achieve some variation.
Seal that with clear gloss varnish. Mix some earth pigments with enamel thinner and rub it into them newly created recesses. Let it dry and carefully wipe off the excess. Fix with pigment fixer
applied by airbrush. Dull coat it again carefully with matt varnish. There is a lot going on when you do that.
You might as well go ahead and use a blunt blade and go to town on them lines between the stones. Also consider cutting the print into sections and apply them separately, section by section. Some
natural sepration lines would appear, which you could treat with some small railroad grass.
Or maybe you build yourself one section, using the methods above, and just integrate it into a totally different ground work. You know, like an access road to a concrete stand or something like
that. Going that route, the task load would drop significantly.
Main thing is to get rid of the gloss. That´s the minimum treatment. You may have a look and take things from there. Enjoy....

3048 Rasensteine 72nd rectangular on 1xA4
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3049 Rasensteine 48th rectangular. on 2xA4
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1

3050 Rasensteine 72nd circular on 1xA4
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3051 Rasensteine 48th circular on 2xA4
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- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1

Feel free to download and check the manual to get an impression as well as some advise in application.
Including 3d printed crane engine and crane crossbeam.
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MDF SET for Luftwaffe Workshop. No prints included. 3d printed Crane engine included
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In case you would like check what is coming at you, we have the manual(s) available here or download
1/72 Multimedia kit set containing artworks and superstructure for your aircraft assembly bunker project.
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Ladies and gentlemen, for those who have purchased the prints eralier, we now have the laser cut MDF set at the ready. Allwo us to ship this thing right here to your bench, and your REIMAHG is DONE in no time. GOOD TIMES!
REIMAHG MDF ONLY set of lasercut MDF goodness. All you need for building it up.
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- 0,6 kg
- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
This 1/72 diorama kitset contains 4 sheets of high quality prints on cardboard. The groundplate dimensions are 20cm x 29cm (7,9 x 11,5 inches). The height of the backdrop wall is 16cm (6,3 inches)
Beside ground plate, backdrop wall and heavy duty bunker door, the kit comes with many detail elements such as:
- 5 fuel drums
- 5 tool boxes
- 1 sandbox
- 3d switchboxes
- 3 huge wooden crates
- 6 small wooden crates
- warning signs
- various small boxes and planking
This set has been designed to accommodate late Luftwaffe projects such as Me-262 and similar. Its perfect to display so called "Luft '46" subjects as part of an assembly-scene. An aircraft model kitset is not included.
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- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1

That was one of the most tricky bases we (Alex N. and me) ever have developed. We approached it first back in 2013 and dropped it for a while, picking it up again every now and then. After 2,5 years we went for it ad finished it. Again, Alex N. did an awesome job on bringing it into reality. One phantastic project and I think its worth the effort. Available in 1/72 and 1/48.
PLEASE DO NOT MISS the guide I have put together for you. Check it out by hittin´ it HERE.
Includes redundant elements for 3D effects. Fits large and small aircraft from a 109 up to a 111.
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- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
Including grass- concrete and planking-textures, printed on super-heavy 300g cardboard. Create your display base in one single bench session.
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- in stock / am Lager
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Russian PAG Winter Version

Depending on which scale, shape and version you use, the number of sheets contained in this package will vary. What is always included is a wonderful print of your PAG slabs and your typical Russian airfield signage, both in excellent quality. This time we did not focus on one particular airbase. We went for "typical PAG" with the typical markings and signage. To make it more interesting we added some snow textures to it, allowing more options in the final presentation.
Before you´re going to choose your version, I would really like to recommend to check this article about the product´s features. Its worth a read and does contain all neccessary info. The article is right here.
Available in 1/72 and 1/48. Please select your scale in the drop down menue. Scope of delivery depends on the version you have selected. All rectangular and circular versions do include a full range of assorted airfield signage.
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
Available in 1/72 and 1/48. Please select your scale in the drop down menue. Scope of delivery depends on the version you have selected. All rectangular and circular versions do include a full range of assorted airfield signage.
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
PAG Tarmacs including Blast Wall Slabs
All of the versions we have, whether it is 72 or 48. circular or rectangular, are available as Blast Wall Editions as well. There is always sufficient concrete slabs in it to cover an entire length of the base. You know can decide if you errect your blast wall to the rear or to the side of your model.

Available in 1/72 and 1/48. Please select your scale in the drop down menue. Scope of delivery depends on the version you have selected. All rectangular and circular Blast Wall Editions do include a full range of assorted airfield signage as well as extra slabs for the wall. The amount of extra slabs is sufficient to cover the entire length of the corresponding PAG base.
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1

Available in 1/72 and 1/48. Please select your scale in the drop down menue. Scope of delivery depends on the version you have selected. All rectangular and circular Blast Wall Editions do include a full range of assorted airfield signage as well as extra slabs for the wall. The amount of extra slabs is sufficient to cover the entire length of the corresponding PAG base.
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
March ARB
The 48th scale version comes as a puzzle, all elements printed on three fine A4 cardboard sheets, separated the smart way, following the panel lines for invisible joints. This allows us to keep our very low shipping rate of 3,45€. The exact dimensions of the fully assembled artwork in the 1/48th scale will be published here soon.
The print shows detail such as concrete and tarmac textures, ground hatches and tire marks. The orange/yellow and white markings on the pavement represent a parking position of March Air Force Reserve Base, March, California, located at the edge of the field. One can use it "straight out of the box".
In this particular case (located at the edge of the edge of the field) You also may consider to add some railroad grass littering material onto the darkest edge of the sheet, in order to enhance the effect and to underline its actual position on the field. The dimensions of the 1/72nd scale artwork are 29,5cm x 20,2cm (11,5" x 8,0" inches).
I recommend to check out a step-by-step picture-sequence which belongs to our "Old Concrete" scenic display. One can see quite nicely what could be done with a few more minutes invested in refinement.
This product has been designed to accomodate your precious scale models. In its 72nd scale version it contains one sheet of concrete pavement texture, high quality printed on classy white cardboard.
Select your scale:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
Da Nang
The print shows detail such as tie-down eyelets, ground hatches and tire marks. The orange/yellow and white markings on the pavement represent a parking position of DaNang AFB. The dimensions of the 1/72nd artwork are 29,5cm x 20,2cm (11,5" x 8,0" inches).
The 48th scale version comes as a puzzle, all elements printed on three fine A4 cardboard sheets, separated the smart way, following the panel lines for invisible joints. This allows us to keep our very low shipping rate of 3,45€. The exact dimensions of the fully assembled artwork in the 1/48th scale will be published here soon.
This product has been designed to accomodate your precious scale models. In its 72nd scale version it contains one sheet of concrete pavement texture, high quality printed on classy white cardboard.
Select your scale:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 1 - 3 Working Days1
Langley AFB
The orange yellow markings on the pavement represent a parking position of Langley-Eustis. The dimensions of the artwork are 24,5cm x 17,5cm (9,1" x 7,0" inches)
The 48th scale version comes as a puzzle, all elements printed on three fine A4 cardboard sheets, separated the smart way, following the panel lines for invisible joints. This allows us to keep our very low shipping rate of 3,45€. The exact dimensions of the fully assembled artwork in the 1/48th scale will be published here soon.
This product has been designed to accomodate your precious scale models. In its 72nd scale version it contains one sheet of concrete pavement texture, high quality printed on classy white cardboard.
Select your scale:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1

1x Ground plate, split in two elements
1x Left wall (brick) with window
1x Right wall with door
3x Drainage grating
1x Wall Clock
3x Oil/Water barrels
1x Fire extingushing barrel for sand
Aircraft and diorama accessories are not included.
Uschi recommends to learn about opportunities here
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1

4x Ground plate (partially split)
1x Left wall brick
1x right wall concrete
2x Drainage grating
2x Wall Clock (separatet)
2x Fire extingushing barrel for sand
3x Oil/water barells
Aircraft and diorama accessories are not included.
Uschi recommends to learn about opportunities here
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
5x Ground plate (partially split)
1x Left wall brick wit window
1x Left wall brick
1x Right wall with door
1x Right wall concrete
5x Drainage grating
2x Wall Clock (separatet)
3x Fire extingushing barrel for sand
9x oil/water barrels
Aircraft and diorama accessories are not included.
Uschi recommends to learn about opportunities here
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
Miramar MCAS
The print shows detail such as tie-down eyelets, ground hatches and tire marks. The orange/yellow and white markings on the pavement represent a parking position of Miramar MCAS. The dimensions of the 1/72nd scale artwork are 29,5cm x 20,2cm (11,5" x 8,0" inches).
The 48th scale version comes as a puzzle, all elements printed on three fine A4 cardboard sheets, separated the smart way, following the panel lines for invisible joints. This allows us to keep our very low shipping rate of 3,45€.
This product has been designed to accomodate your precious scale models. In its 1/72nd scale version it contains one sheet of concrete pavement texture, high quality printed on classy white cardboard.
Select your scale:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
Lemoore NAS
The print shows detail such as tie-down eyelets, ground hatches and tire marks. The orange/yellow and white markings on the pavement represent a parking position of Lemoore NAS. The dimensions of the 1/72nd scale artwork are 29,5cm x 20,2cm (11,5" x 8,0" inches).
The 48th scale version comes as a puzzle, all elements printed on three fine A4 cardboard sheets, separated the smart way, following the panel lines for invisible joints. This allows us to keep our very low shipping rate of 3,45€. The exact dimensions of the fully assembled artwork in the 1/48th scale will be published here soon.
This product has been designed to accomodate your precious scale models. In its 1/72nd scale version it contains one sheet of concrete pavement texture, high quality printed on classy white cardboard.
Select your scale:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 1 - 3 Working Days1
Soviet hexagonal tiles
The 48th scale version comes as a puzzle, all elements printed on three fine A4 cardboard sheets, separated the smart way, following the panel lines for invisible joints. This allows us to keep our very low shipping rate of 3,45€.
This product has been designed to accomodate your precious scale models. In its 1/72nd scale version it contains one sheet of concrete pavement texture, high quality printed on classy white cardboard.
Select your scale:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 1 - 3 Working Days1
Check out more pics of this amazing MiG-21 visiting Diego´s blog.
Carrier Deck section (Waist Catapult) onboard USS Enterprise CVN-65.
The artwork, created by Slava Trudu, is based on photographic evidence of the real ship.
The display base is not part of scope of delivery
- 48th scale: 405mm x 290mm,
- 72nd scale: 285mm x 200mm
Feel free to select your scale right here:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1
Carrier Deck section (Waist Catapult) onboard USS Enterprise CVN-65.
The artwork, created by Slava Trudu, is based on photographic evidence of the real ship.
Diameter 1/72: 200mm
Diameter 1/48: 315mm
Feel free to select your scale right here:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 1 - 3 Working Days1

Carrier Deck section aboard USS Mankin Island LHD-8.
The artwork, created by Slava Trudu, is based on photographic evidence of the real ship.
The display base is not part of scope of delivery
- 48th scale: 405mm x 290mm,
- 72nd scale: 285mm x 200mm
Feel free to select your scale right here:
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- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1

Carrier Deck section aboard USS Mankin Island LHD-8.
The artwork, created by Slava Trudu, is based on photographic evidence of the real ship.
The display base is not part of scope of delivery
- 48th scale: 405mm x 290mm,
- 72nd scale: 285mm x 200mm
Feel free to select your scale right here:
incl. VAT, shipping costs apply
- in stock / am Lager
- shipping within 3 - 5 Working Days1